Quasi-prenex conjunctive kernel normal form function 拟前束合取核范式函数
With respect to the principal disjunctive normal form and the principal conjunctive normal form, we also approach the properties of the subscript sets derived from the minimum term and maximum term. 讨论了命题公式的主析取范式、主合取范式中的极小项与极大项下标集合的性质,利用主范式的下标集合得到了命题公式蕴涵的几个充要条件。
Aiming at the problem of equivalent conversion from conjunctive normal form to disjunctive normal form, an effective algorithm was proposed to construct reduction tree based on discernibility matrix. 针对差别矩阵求约简过程中合取范式向析取范式等价转换的难题,提出一种基于差别矩阵构造约简树的有效方法。
A Surface-based DNA Algorithm for the Conversion of Conjunctive Normal Form into Disjunctive Normal Form The Policy of the Chinese International Bank Buying 合取范式化为析取范式的DNA表面计算中国银行业跨国并购的策略选择&基于OLI框架的分析
A Note to The Complexity of Transforming a General Boolean Formula to a Conjunctive Normal Form 一般布尔表达式转化成合取范式的复杂性注记
A formula F in conjunctive normal form is a non-tautology hitting ( NT-HIT) formula, if any one pair of F clauses in contains a pair of complement literals. 一个合取范式(CNF)公式F是NT-HIT公式,如果F中的任意两个不同的子句中恰有一对互补文字。
Proceeding with both-branch proposition, the paper provides the characteristics of both-branch fuzzy logic and both-branch fuzzy logic expressions, Disjunctive Normal Form and Conjunctive Normal Form of both-branch fuzzy logic expressions. 从双枝模糊命题入手,给出双枝模糊逻辑的性质和双枝模糊逻辑公式,以及双枝模糊逻辑的析取范式与合取范式。
The theory foundation of machanical the-orem proving is the Herbrand theorem, refutation and a conjunctive normal form theorem. Herbrand定理和范式定理是机器证明的理论基础。
Secondly, by acquiring segment assembly algorithm, a collection of components decomposition algorithm, a single component evaluation algorithm to calculates the value of conjunctive normal form. 然后,求解合取范式的值,先后通过获取组件算法,组件集合分解算法,单个组件集合求值算法。
In the view of Boolean operation, the effective discernibility information of objects in domain is obtained, and the minimal conjunctive normal form of discernibility function is also constructed directly. 从布尔运算观点出发,甄别论域内对象间的有效分辨信息,直接构造区分函数的极小合取范式。
Through making the best of absorptivity of conjunctive disjunctive operation, based on the mechanism of artificial normal form conversion, an algorithm transforming a discernibility function from conjunction normal form to disjunction normal form is proposed with virtue of queue structure. 依据人工范式转换的运行机制,充分利用合取运算和析取运算的吸收率,并借助队列结构,提出了一种面向分辨函数的范式转换算法。